Saturday, 27 November 2010

Nouns and sets

Nouns are categories into which we put other nouns. Sets are collections of objects. Sets can also be elements of bigger sets. There is nothing inventive about me saying so other than that thinking about one can help us feel more warmly about the other.

In logic, when we say: ‘The horse is an animal,’ we are simply saying that for any individual that is a horse it belongs to a class of animals. Complex sentences and action verbs can be reduced to this talk: ‘The apples have dropped onto the ground,’ is ‘Something that belongs to the class of apples is such that it belongs to things that have dropped onto the ground.’ The efficiency of such language cannot compete with the efficiency of natural language, but this is quite irrelevant for the purposes for which sentences are analysed in this manner. A lot of our speech is simply set talk.

Nouns are countable and uncountable. So are sets. The parallels are more intriguing than they are exact, but they are there nevertheless. A set is countable when it is a finite set or a countably infinite set, that is, it has the same size as the set N of natural numbers. Nouns are countable when we can count the objects they refer to.

Some people get confused about this business of counting. As in grammar so in mathematics, ‘to count’ does not necessarily mean to say how many, although this is indeed what it means in the case of finite sets. We say we can count the elements of an infinite set A if we can find a function from N (set of natural numbers) to A that is both one-to-one and onto. In other words the sets are the same size, A = N, or have the same cardinality. A very close equivalent of a countably infinite set in language is the plural form of a noun, for example:


When we use it like that, without the definite article or any other restricting phrase, we are talking about an infinite collection of apples, yet one for which we can easily find a one-to-one and onto function of the type f: NA. Suppose we want to name the finite set. In that case, we say:

the apples

There is then a natural number n such that f: nA. The expression:

apple sauce

is an example of an uncountable noun, matching closely the definition of an infinite set which is not countable. That is, we can’t even begin to think of how we would go about finding a function from the set of natural numbers N to the set S (set representing apple sauce). However, since we can also say:

the apple sauce

as in ‘I spilled the apple sauce,’ it would follow that there must be some kind of finite dimension of this otherwise uncountable infinite set. Well, that’s where the parallel is not exact in my view, because as far as I know there are no such things in set theory, but we can, since we have defined S as a set, using Cantor’s axiom of existence and axiom of equality, construct the set {S}, whereby X = {S}, which is equivalent to a container with one element in it. Hence, we can find a function from N to X. And that is not a far cry from what we mean when we say ‘I spilled the apple sauce,’ – the container we spilled it from defines the apple sauce.

Enough about apple sauce. This rambling has focused (if rambling can be focused) on the property of nouns and sets involving countability, but the operations of union and intersection of sets, subsets, and power sets also have parallels in the realm of nouns.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Deduction, Daniel Bonevac, Blackwell Publishing 2003, 2nd edition, 8.3 problem 3, p. 238

The argument is:

Everyone likes Mandy. Mandy likes nobody but Andy. Therefore, Mandy and Andy are the same person.

We translate it and prove it:
  1. (x)Lxm
  2. (x)[¬ (x=a) ⊃¬ Lmx] • Lma
  3. ∴m = a
  4. Lmm ......... 1UI x/m
  5. (x)[¬ (x=a) ⊃¬ Lmx] ......... 2Simp.
  6. ¬ (m=a) ⊃¬ Lmm ......... 5UI x/m
  7. m = a ......... 4,6MT

Friday, 19 November 2010

Deduction, Daniel Bonevac, Blackwell Publishing 2003, 2nd edition, 8.3, problem 2, p. 238

The argument goes:

Everything other than God had a creator. So, given any two things, at least one had a creator.

We can choose the level of detail we want our predicates to capture in symbolizing this argument. I've opted for the more complete translation here. Glossary: Cxy - x created y, g - God. The proof follows.
  1. (x)[¬(x=g) ⊃(∃y)(Cyx • ¬ Cyg)]
  2. ∴(x)(y)[¬ (x=y) ⊃(∃z)(Czx ∨Czy)]
  3. * ¬ (x)(y)[¬ (x=y) ⊃(∃z)(Czx ∨Czy)] ......... AIP
  4. * (∃x)(∃y)[ ¬ (x=y) • (z)(¬Czx • ¬ Czy)] ......... 3CQ
  5. * (∃y)[ ¬ (a=y) • (z)(¬Cza • ¬ Czy)] ......... 4EI x/a
  6. * ¬ (a=m) • (z)(¬Cza • ¬ Czm) ......... 5EI y/m
  7. * ¬ (a=m) ......... 6Simp.
  8. * (z)(¬Cza • ¬ Czm) ......... 6Simp.
  9. * ¬(a=g) ⊃(∃y)(Cya • ¬ Cyg) ......... 1UI x/a
  10. * ¬Cya • ¬ Cym ......... 8UI z/y
  11. * ¬Cya ......... 10Simp.
  12. * ¬Cya ∨Cyg ......... 11Add.
  13. * (y)(¬Cya ∨Cyg) ......... 12UG
  14. * (y)¬ (Cya • ¬ Cyg) ......... 13DeM
  15. * ¬ (∃y)(Cya • ¬ Cyg) ......... 14CQ
  16. * a = g ......... 15,9MT
  17. * ¬ (g = m) ......... 16,7Id
  18. * ¬ (m = g) ......... 17Comm.
  19. * ¬(m=g) ⊃(∃y)(Cym • ¬ Cyg) ......... 1UI x/m
  20. * (∃y)(Cym • ¬ Cyg) ......... 18,19MP
  21. * Crm • ¬ Crg ......... 20EI y/r
  22. * Crm ......... 21Simp.
  23. * ¬Cra • ¬ Crm ......... 8UI z/r
  24. * ¬ Crm ......... 23Simp.
  25. * Crm • ¬ Crm ......... 22,24Conj.
  26. ¬ ¬ (x)(y)[¬ (x=y) ⊃(∃z)(Czx ∨Czy)] ......... 3-25IP
  27. (x)(y)[¬ (x=y) ⊃(∃z)(Czx ∨Czy)] ......... 26DN

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Deduction, D. Bonevac, Blackwell Publishing, 2003, 8.3 problem 1

A simple argument and a two-step proof:

Jones's killer weighed over 200 pounds. Smith weighs less than 200 pounds. So, Smith isn't Jones's killer.

Regarding the translation, if we take 'Wx' for 'x weighed over 200 pounds', then 'weighs less than 200 pounds' can be translated as a negation of the former, that is 'It is not the case that Smith weighs over 200 pounds'.
  1. (x)(Kxj ⊃Wx)
  2. ¬ Ws
  3. ∴¬ Ksj
  4. Ksj ⊃Ws ......... 1UI x/s
  5. ¬ Ksj ......... 2,4MT

Friday, 5 November 2010

Swiss beauty or Swiss joke?

Someone somewhere, in Geneva perhaps or on Madison Avenue, knows why the time on advertised luxury watches is 10:10 and is keeping schtum. It’s when I suffer from a serious lack of things to worry about that I worry about things like that, and I would very much welcome that person telling me why. Otherwise I’m left to my own devices, and these could take me anywhere.

There is the smiley face explanation (which the hands of the clock form at this hour), the various arguments from numerology (time of death of some famous people), the watchmaker’s name set off to good effect by that particular configuration of the hands. Aah! There is the clue. The angle!

So what angle is that? Well, I thought 120 degrees. It is pretty symmetrical and divides the face 3 ways. There are 20 minutes between the number 10, which is where the hour hand is pointing, and the number 2, which is where the minute hand is pointing. 20 minutes corresponds to 120 degrees. Except if the angle was 120 degrees, neither the hour hand would be in the number 10 position nor the minute hand in the number 2 position.

Say, we start counting at precisely 10 o’clock, because that way we can be sure the hour hand is exactly on the number 10 mark and the minute hand exactly on the number 12 mark. The hour hand moves at 5 min per hour, the minute hand at 60 min per hour. The distance between the hands must be 20 min (for the 120 degrees angle), but the minute hand has a 10 min headstart over the hour hand. This gives us the formula: d/5 = [(d + 20) – 10] / 60, where ‘d’ is the distance travelled by the hour hand. Accordingly, d = 0.9, so the time at which the hour hand and the minute hand are at 120 degrees is roughly 10:10:54. The 54 seconds (following rounding) is not a big difference, but it means that the second hand would have to be between the hour hand and the minute hand, which would ruin the symmetry.

The catch is that the time is not 10:10:54 at all. Closer inspection reveals that the majority of watches are set to something like 10:09:36. Working backwards (the formula would now be d/5 = 9.6/60) we learn that d = 0.8, or about 48 seconds (the distance the hour hand has nudged above the number 10 mark). The distance between the hour hand and the minute hand now is 18 minutes and 48 seconds, which is equivalent to about 112.8 degrees. What is so special about 112.8 degrees? Is this a Swiss sense of beauty or a Swiss sense of humour?

Harmony, symmetry and proportion - the constituents of beauty – go back to Pythagoras. We learn from Palladio, for example, that for a column to be pleasant to look at the height of the column should be nine times its diameter. Modern commerce has developed the idea of ‘buy one get one free’ or 9.99, and my guess is not because they imply a bargain but because they sound or look pleasing (compare: ‘buy three get one free’ and 9.98). So, if someone knows what it is about 112.8 degrees on watch faces, come on, out with it!

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Symbolic Logic, Irving M. Copi, Prentice Hall, 1979, 5th edition, p. 150, problem 10

We are asked to prove the validity of the following argument, where Ax - x was an accompanist, Bx - x was a bagpiper, and Cx - x was in the cabin. The argument goes:
All accompanists were bagpipers. All bagpipers were in the cabin. At most two individuals were in the cabin. There were at least two accompanists. Therefore, there were exactly two bagpipers.
  1. (x)(Ax ⊃Bx)
  2. (x)(Bx ⊃ Cx)
  3. (x)(y)(z)[(Cx • Cy • Cz) ⊃(x = y ∨x = z ∨ y = z)]
  4. (∃x)(∃y)[Ax • Ay • ¬ (x = y)]
  5. ∴(∃x)(∃y){Bx • By • ¬ (x = y) • (z)[Bz ⊃(z = x ∨z = y)]}
  6. * ¬ (∃x)(∃y){Bx • By • ¬ (x = y) • (z)[Bz ⊃(z = x ∨z = y)]} ......... AIP
  7. * (x)(y){[Bx • By • ¬ (x = y)] ⊃(∃z)[Bz • ¬ (z = x) • ¬ (z = y)]} ......... 6CQ
  8. * (∃y)[Aa • Ay • ¬ (a = y)] ......... 4EI x/a
  9. * Aa • Am • ¬ (a = m) ......... 8EI y/m
  10. * Aa ⊃ Ba ......... 1UI x/a
  11. * Aa ......... 9Simp.
  12. * Ba ......... 11,10MP
  13. * Am ⊃ Bm ......... 1UI x/m
  14. * Am ......... 9Simp.
  15. * Bm ......... 14,13MP
  16. * ¬ (a = m) ......... 9Simp.
  17. * Ba • Bm • ¬ (a = m) ......... 12,15,16Conj.
  18. * (y){[Ba • By • ¬ (a = y)] ⊃(∃z)[Bz • ¬ (z = a) • ¬ (z = y)]} ......... 7UI x/a
  19. * [Ba • Bm • ¬ (a = m)] ⊃(∃z)[Bz • ¬ (z = a) • ¬ (z = m)] ......... 18UI y/m
  20. * (∃z)[Bz • ¬ (z = a) • ¬ (z = m)] ......... 17,19MP
  21. * Bh • ¬ (h = a) • ¬ (h = m) ......... 20EI z/h
  22. * Bh ⊃Ch ......... 2UI x/h
  23. * Bh ......... 21Simp.
  24. * Ch ......... 22,23MP
  25. * Ba ⊃Ca ......... 2UI x/a
  26. * Ca ......... 12,25MP
  27. * Bm ⊃Cm ......... 2UI x/m
  28. * Cm ......... 14,27MP
  29. * Ca • Cm • Ch ......... 26,24,28Conj.
  30. * (y)(z)[(Ca • Cy • Cz) ⊃(a = y ∨a = z ∨ y = z)] ......... 3UI x/a
  31. * (z)[(Ca • Cm • Cz) ⊃(a = m ∨a = z ∨ m = z)] ......... 30UI y/m
  32. * (Ca • Cm • Ch) ⊃(a = m ∨a = h ∨ m = h) ......... 31UI z/h
  33. * a = m ∨a = h ∨ m = h ......... 29,32MP
  34. * a = h ∨ m = h ......... 16,33DS
  35. * ¬ (h = a) ......... 21Simp.
  36. * m = h ......... 35,34DS
  37. * ¬ (h = m) ......... 21Simp.
  38. * h = m ......... 36Comm.
  39. * h = m • ¬ (h = m) ......... 37,38Conj.
  40. ¬ ¬ (∃x)(∃y){Bx • By • ¬ (x = y) • (z)[Bz ⊃(z = x ∨z = y)]} ......... 6-39IP
  41. (∃x)(∃y){Bx • By • ¬ (x = y) • (z)[Bz ⊃(z = x ∨z = y)]} ......... 40DN