Saturday, 26 June 2021

Interview questions, books, crockery

Three interview questions out of left field: Where do you see yourself 5 years ago? Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time looking back five years? Where do you see yourself after taking 5 years out of your life?

Books should be read so that one knows what is not in them when forced to make conversation about things other than money.


The crockery in an artist’s home is middle class bog standard. The crockery in a middle class home is rustic. The crockery in a farmer’s home is discount retailer chic. Which proves the point: one man’s crockery is another man’s clay shards.

A Concise Introduction to Logic, Patrick J. Hurley, Wadsworth, 2006, 9th ed,. 7.7, 14, p. 390

 Prove the logical truth.


1.     (P ⊃ Q) ⊃ R

2.     ⊃ ~ R

3.     ~ R v ~ R

4.     ~ R

5.     ~ (P ⊃ Q)

6.     ~ (~ P v Q)

7.     • ~ Q

8.     P

9.     (R ⊃ ~ R) ⊃ P

10.  [(P ⊃ Q) ⊃ R] ⊃ [(R ⊃ ~ R) ⊃ P]

/ [(P ⊃ Q) ⊃ R] ⊃ [(R ⊃ ~ R) ⊃ P]



2 Impl

3 Taut

1,4 MT

5 Impl

6 DM

7 Simp

2-8 CP

1-9 CP

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Money, tax, Virgin Mary and UFO

Money is what tips the scales when the heart can’t make up its mind.

Afiscalists do not belief in life after tax.


Only three years passed between the last sighting of the Virgin Mary and the first sighting of UFO. These three years hold the keys to the story of man.

A Concise Introduction to Logic, Patrick J. Hurley, Wadsworth, 2006, 9th ed,. 7.7, 12, p. 390

Prove the logical truth.


1.     ⊃ (Q ⊃ R)

2.     Q

3.     P

4.     ⊃ R

5.     R

6.     ⊃ R

7.     ⊃ (P ⊃ R)

8.     [P ⊃ (Q ⊃ R)] ⊃ [⊃ (P ⊃ R)]

9.     ⊃ (P ⊃ R)

10.  P

11.  Q

12.  ⊃ R

13.  R

14.  ⊃ R

15.  ⊃ (Q ⊃ R)

16.  [⊃ (P ⊃ R)] ⊃ [⊃ (Q ⊃ R)]

17.  {[P ⊃ (Q ⊃ R)] ⊃ [⊃ (P ⊃ R)]} • {[⊃ (P ⊃ R)] ⊃ [⊃ (Q ⊃ R)]}

18.  [P ⊃ (Q ⊃ R)] ≡ [Q ⊃ (P ⊃ R)]

/ [P ⊃ (Q ⊃ R)] ≡ [Q ⊃ (P ⊃ R)]




1,2 MP

2,4 MP

3-5 CP

2-6 CP

1-7 CP




9,11 MP

10,12 MP

11-13 CP

10-14 CP


9-15 CP

8-16 Conj

17 Equiv

Saturday, 12 June 2021

Lying, problem solving, planning opportunities, covid naming convention

An ethical rule not to lie is too heavy a burden to bear for a person. That is why, to offset it, I make it a point never to interfere when I see others being lied to.

A problem circumvented is a problem solved.


Taxes and death may be certain, but true planning opportunities lie only one way.


I feel for the Greeks the way their alphabet has been hijacked for the new covid strain naming convention.

A Concise Introduction to Logic, Patrick J. Hurley, Wadsworth, 2006, 9th ed,. 7.7, 11, p. 390

 Prove the logical truth.


1.     ~ (P ⊃ Q)

2.     ~ (~ P v Q)

3.     • ~ Q

4.     ~ Q

5.     ~ Q v P

6.     ⊃ P

7.     ~ (P ⊃ Q) ⊃ (Q ⊃ P)

8.     ~ ~ (P ⊃ Q) v (Q ⊃ P)

9.     (P ⊃ Q) v (Q ⊃ P)

/ (P ⊃ Q) v (Q ⊃ P)


1 Impl

2 DM

3 Simp

4 Add

5 Impl

1-6 CP

7 Impl

8 DN

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Time, vaccine shots, knowing a place

Time flying and time dragging are two sides of the same clock.

It is hard to understand for a non-expert why the vaccine shots are spaced out the way they are, but one may avail oneself of a little analogy when faced with incomprehension: the booster shot of whisky should be taken when the effects of the primer shot are wearing off as such timing will do a better job of staving off sobriety than two shots drunk one after another.


To know a place well is to know where one can go for a wee without having to pay, or better yet, without being caught on a cctv camera.


A Concise Introduction to Logic, Patrick J. Hurley, Wadsworth, 2006, 9th ed,. 7.7, 9, p. 390

 Prove the logical truth.


1.     (P ⊃ Q) • (P ⊃ R)

2.     P

3.     ⊃ Q

4.     Q

5.     ⊃ R

6.     R

7.     Q • R

8.     ⊃ (Q • R)

9.     [(P ⊃ Q) • (P ⊃ R)] ⊃ [P ⊃ (Q • R)]

/[(P ⊃ Q) • (P ⊃ R)] ⊃ [P ⊃ (Q • R)]



1 Simp

2,3 MP

1 Simp

2,5 MP

4,6 Conj

2-7 CP

1-8 CP